Friday, 20 December 2019

The Island - Page 47

I'm taking a small break for the holidays.  

See you guys later on!

How to play:
Add or select the available action you want to do in the form.
If the action you want to do is not listed, add it. It will show up as a new option for all the people voting after you.

The actions should be about what the character does. The most voted action is what the character will do next. 
You can only control the main character, some actions could be things like:

Wake up.
Make a sand castle.


  1. *press space* (hope this works...)

  2. No matter anything else; it's a wonderful page to get 'stuck' on. :)

  3. I hope everything's okay... it's quite a long time you are on your break and with the sanitary situation I must admit I'm a little worry for you. I hope you'll give us some news soon *hugs*
